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The real reason you are Stuck in the Pain of your Breakup

I remember going through my last breakup like it was yesterday.


I collapsed on the floor with tears running down my cheeks as I was sobbing uncontrollably. In that moment, I felt like someone had just ripped out, not only my heart but my whole sense of being too. My life seemed shattered into a million pieces.


How the heck had I ended up here?


Rewinding back a few hours it all had started as a fairly normal day even though I felt that something was off. Intuition, hey?


And sure enough, when sitting down and starting to work on my dream of location independence and business, news struck me. I was informed that I had lost all of my investment to fraud. 30k gone. That was rough. My dream of a successful online business had taken a major hit.


Know the saying when it rains it pours?


Well, feeling the way I was feeling I called up my girlfriend at the time who was in another country. I needed some encouragement and positivity after that blow. But I got something different.


“I don’t love you anymore”


These words went deep into my heart, like small, sharp knives.

This was the call she ended the relationship and I never saw her again.


Within 30 minutes I had lost my business, money and my relationship. None of it had been on my radar. I was blindsided by life. In fact, I had felt like it was all coming together.


Instead my heart and life was broken into a million pieces. I was in huge pain and everything was spinning and twisting. There I was sitting on the floor with my back leaning against the bed. Devastated, hurting, and lost.


What followed was a rough time you might be able to relate to.


Any of these sound familiar?


  • Each social media scroll, every silent notification, intensifies the feeling of rejection.


  • Being caught up in a cycle of 'what ifs,' where fears about the future overshadow the present.


  • The mind races with thoughts of forever being alone, and this constant worry about what’s going to happen.


  • Being unable to let go of the past, holding on to resentment and hurt from the previous relationship.


  • The inner critic has taken over, constantly undermining decisions and magnifying flaws.


  • Feelings swing wildly from anger to sorrow, hope to despair, often leaving you exhausted and confused.


  • The memories, the moments, and even the arguments keep you hooked, pulling you back, making it incredibly difficult to break free and move on.


It felt like I was going crazy at times.


I desperately tried to find solutions and really anything that could ease the pain and help me through this. I dove deep into personal development and spirituality.


Up until that moment these were concepts that were really not on my radar, but the pain was so big that I was willing to listen to anything that might be different from what I knew.


But nothing really changed until I discovered one important lesson.


The Real Reason We are Stuck In The Pain Of Our Breakup


I had been telling myself that the deep pain I was feeling post-breakup was entirely because I had lost my partner. Everything felt heavier, and there was a huge void where their presence used to be.


But that’s not the complete truth.


The Truth is…


The pain you're experiencing isn't just about the absence of your partner; it's about a disconnect from your own identity.


This breakup has brought to light how much of your self-worth and happiness was tied to being inside this relationship.


Now that it’s gone, you are feeling lost and incomplete on your own.


I realized that without working on the Relationship we have with ourselves first, and learning how to regulate our nervous system we will keep repeating the same painful patterns in our life and end up with another bleeding heart.


Let alone the crushing anxiety, overwhelm and worry of ever finding the love we truly desire…


I understood that:


  • We have to look inside first and rebuild those self-love and self-worth muscles.


  • We have to learn how to regulate our nervous system to be better able to navigate that emotional rollercoaster.


  • We need to "detox" from our ex to really heal and move on.


And that is exactly what I did. Slowly rebuilding and redefining myself.


You might understand now why I made it my mission to help you recover and bounce back from a breakup.


I went through it myself and I understand the pain, the overwhelm and confusion a breakup can leave you in and how strongly it can rock your life.



When going through all this I was alone. I had no one really to turn to, that understood more about all this.


I didn’t have the tools to regulate myself and help me with my anxiety. The ruminating thoughts were dictating my day and slowly crushing my confidence even more. I was obsessing about my ex and just couldn’t move forward in any significant way.


I had to find all the answers myself and slowly piece it together.


I don’t want that for you!


That’s why I created, what I didn’t have.


The Breakup Emergency Kit Course Cover with a golden Heart on green background


It’s a course specifically designed to help you Navigate the Shock, the Emotional Rollercoaster, properly "Detox" from your Ex and start healing from your Breakup.


I’ve packed all the knowledge and tools from my experience and later on working with my clients into this course so you can get the help you need to turn your life around.


The truth is, you deserve to be happy and to experience relationships full of love, respect and trust.


I’ve seen it time and time again with my clients that, once they learn how to regulate their emotions and build up their self-love and self-worth muscles, the transformation is imminent.


So, If you’re done grappling with the Emotional Rollercoaster and feeling stuck in the pain, it’s time to learn how to Regulate your Emotions and “Detox” from your ex!


Click here and start healing today!


Now is your time to take the first step towards your new life - You deserve it!



Who is Bastian?

Bastian is a Breakup Recovery & Relationship Coach, helping successful, ambitious Women heal form their Breakup, change the trajectory of their (love) life, and finally attract the long lasting love they desire.

When You are Ready, here is where to Start:


Inside you'll find:

  • The 7 Keys to turn your Breakup into a Breakthrough.


  • How the F.I.R.E. Method can change the trajectory of your (love)life forever.


  • And how to become the magnetic love you desire for yourself.

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