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Get the Emergency               Kit for ONLY CHF48


Get Off the Emotional Rollercoaster and Stop the Pain of Sadness, Grief, and Anger in 7 Days Using the Emotional Freedom Formula

And Regain Confidence, Find Peace, and Trust Yourself Again Without Stalking Your Ex on Instagram or Simulating Fake Conversations in your Head

The Real Reason You are Stuck In The Pain
Of Your Breakup

After spending years as a breakup recovery & transformational coach, what I quickly learned was that most people are trying to fix the wrong problems to heal and move on after going through a breakup.

Pay attention because this is one of the most important and foundational things you’ll ever learn in your journey through life. If you don’t shift your perspective this time, it could cost you more wasted time and heartbreak, attracting the same partners and relationships over and over again.

You've been telling yourself that the deep pain you feel post-breakup is entirely because you've lost your partner. Every decision now feels heavier, and there's a void where their presence used to be.

The Truth is…

The pain you're experiencing isn't just about the absence of your partner; it's about a disconnect from your own identity.


This breakup has brought to light how much of your self-worth and happiness was tied to being inside this relationship.

Now that it’s gone, you are feeling lost and incomplete on your own.

Without working on the Relationship you have with yourself first, and learning how to regulate your nervous system you will keep repeating the same painful patterns in your life and end up with another bleeding heart. Let alone the crushing anxiety, overwhelm and worry of ever finding the love you truly desire…

To Fully Heal From Your Breakup You have To Change The Relationship With Yourself And Learn How To Regulate Your Emotions.

Sound Familiar?

Each social media scroll, every silent notification, intensifies your feeling of rejection.

You're caught in a cycle of 'what ifs,' where fears about your future overshadow your present.


Your mind races with thoughts of forever being alone, and this constant worry about what’s going to happen.

You find yourself unable to let go of the past, holding onto resentment and hurt from your previous relationship.

Your inner critic has taken over, constantly undermining your decisions and magnifying your flaws. 

Your feelings swing wildly from anger to sorrow, hope to despair, often leaving you exhausted and confused.

The memories, the moments, and even the arguments keep you hooked, pulling you back, making it incredibly difficult to break free and move on.

It feels like you are going crazy at times.

What’s Going To Happen To Your Life And Relationships If You DON’T Learn How To Regulate Your Emotions And Reclaim Your Power?

Riding the Emotional Rollercoaster creates feelings of overwhelm and confusion, leading to a life filled with anxiety and an inability to move forward... An emotionally regulated life creates a sense of calm, empowerment and resilience.

Losing your sense of self in the shadow of a relationship leaves you feeling incomplete and dependent... Rediscovering and embracing your unique identity fills you with self-worth and a newfound sense of trust.

Listening to the relentless voice of your inner critic crushes your confidence and leaves you doubting your worth… Building a relationship with yourself, rooted in self-love and acceptance empowers you to reframe those thoughts and trust in your capabilities.


Emotional Mastery Creates a Life of Empowerment and Authentic Happiness

As painful as a breakup can be, it will gift you with one of your biggest transformations in life. If you allow for it.

I’ve seen it time and time again with my clients that, once they learn how to regulate their emotions and build up their self-love and self-worth muscles, the transformation is imminent.

The truth is, you deserve to be happy and to experience relationships full of love, respect and trust.

I’ve made healing hearts my mission and I’m here to help you make that happen.

Consider me your wise wizard on your hero’s journey, guiding you every step of the way.

So, that you can finally feel a sense of control again, rebuild the relationship with yourself and be unapologetically yourself with confidence in relationships moving forward.

Now is your time to Take the first step towards your new life - You deserve it!

Introducing THE...

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A Self Study Course designed to help you Navigate the Emotional Rollercoaster, "Detox" from your Ex and Heal from a Breakup.

01. Feel

Understand your Emotions and learn how to regulate them with practical tools and real-life use.

02. Detox

Learn about the concept of "detoxing" your ex and how to stop obsessing and manage the Withdrawal Symptoms.

03. Heal

Heal from your breakup by redefining the relationship with yourself and how you see yourself in relationships.


Module 1

Embracing the Journey

  • Understanding the Importance of Grieving: Acknowledging the pain and respecting the process.

  • Exploring the Stages of Breakup Recovery: Navigating through denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.

  • Making a Choice: Deciding to embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing.

6 Individual Lessons


Module 2

You Are Not Crazy! You Are In Withdrawal

  • The Nature of Withdrawal: Recognizing the emotional and psychological effects post-breakup.

  • Exploring the Possibility of Friendship Post-Breakup: Understanding the complexities and setting healthy boundaries.

3 Individual Lessons


Module 3

Navigating the Emotional Rollercoaster

  • Embracing Your Emotions: Techniques to allow and acknowledge your feelings.

  • Breaking the Negative Spiral: Strategies to stop destructive thoughts and behaviors.

  • Dealing with Urges and Relapses: Understanding and managing the urge to reconnect with an ex.

  • Emotional Regulation Techniques: Incorporating movement, breathwork, writing, and meditation for emotional balance.

17 Individual Lessons

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Module 4

"Detoxing" Your Ex

  • The No-Contact Rule: Understanding its importance and implementation.

  • Eliminating Triggers: Strategies for removing reminders and establishing a support network.

  • Asserting Boundaries: Learning to maintain your power and energy.

10 Individual Lessons


Module 5

Self Care & Healing

  • Holistic Approach to Healing: Addressing mind, body, and soul.

  • The Power of Routine: Establishing healthy habits for recovery.

  • Cultivating Self-Love and Self-Worth: Building a strong sense of self in the aftermath of a breakup.

5 Individual Lessons

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Module 6

Rebuilding and Moving Forward

  • Lessons in Self-Discovery: Embracing the three pillars of inner work.

  • Celebrating Your Journey: Recognizing your growth and resilience.

  • Final Words and moving forward

2 Individual Lessons

That's a total of over 40 perspective-shifting lessons & exercises!


You Get All This Inside of

THE                EMERGENCY KIT


  • Lifetime Access To The Course (Value: CHF 498)

  • Bonus #1: Alignment Assessment (Value: CHF 98)

  • Bonus #2: Anxiety Journal (Value: CHF 48)

  • Bonus #3: Evolve Or Repeat Journal (Value: CHF 88)

  • Bonus #4: Meditation Audios (Value: CHF 48)

That's a total value of: CHF 780


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YES! I want to join The Breakup Emergency Kit Course, so I can learn how to Navigate the Emotional Rollercoaster, "Detox" from my Ex and Heal from my Breakup.

I understand that this is a Self-Study course and that it's my responsibility to follow through with executing the lessons provided.


    • 40 Perspective-Shifting Lessons & Exercises
    • Bonus #1: Life Time Alignment Assessment [Value: CHF 98]
    • Bonus #2: Anxiety Journal [Value: CHF 48]
    • Bonus #3: Meditation Audios [Value: CHF 48]
    • Extra Bonus: Evolve or Repeat Journal [Value: CHF 88]
    • Backed By Science & Practical Use
    • Lifetime Access
    • 100% Risk Free

100% Money Back Guarantee (within 5 days)
You didn't get value out of the program EVEN THOUGH you applied all the teachings, showed up and gave your best? Reach out to us and we refund 100%.


Hear From Kate

Hear From Julie


You are an incredible coach, person and helped me a lot. It's been incredible past weeks, I remember the first time I contacted you I was feeling lost, confused and upset about a lot of things in my life, and now all this feelings of fear and confusion have just changed in an incredible and positive way. I'm amazed the way my life has changed and I have to say it happened in such a short period of time. I feel I'm more confident and I'm so glad I started my coaching with you and trusted you through this process.



Bastian's coaching sessions are like having a conversation with yourself - that's how comfortable and safe he makes you feel! He has personally helped me by understanding what my truth is - and helping me to truly listen to myself and engage with me again. I have gained so much from these sessions with Bastian. I couldn't recommend him enough! He's like the good angel that sits on your shoulder, always cheering you on! Thank you Bastian for helping me see myself for the first time!



I thank God I found strength again in the kind words of a stranger. You told me one sentence that lit me up again and opened up my eyes to see that I can be and do whatever I want. I realized that I was worthy and I had to change my life in order to make my dreams come true. Thank you for setting me free and help me heal!  I live life now trying to make one person truly happy: MYSELF! Step by step I’m turning into the woman I always wanted to be, loving myself more, letting go of toxic feelings and stop living in the past.



I can´t be grateful enough for Bastian to come into my life. He recognized my deepest desires and dreams which I was too scared to admit even in front of myself. In only four sessions I managed to change so many things in my life. I´ve started doing routines which make me feel happier and healthier, I overcome fears which I haven´t even dreamt I would overcome one day, I found new sparks in my life, my creative-self just boosts and I feel I´m reaching my authenticity and true self thanks to this great step I made to ask for help with my struggles. Bastian is a great guide and the best I have ever met to help out with that.


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Hi,  I'm Bastian your Breakup Coach...

…and I’ve made healing hearts my mission.

After navigating my own journey through heartbreak and transformation, I realized quickly that most people never fully heal from their breakups.


Self-worth and confidence shattered, the carry their unresolved emotions into the next relationship and repeat the same relationship patterns.

I created the Breakup Emergency Kit to give people what I wish I had in my darkest moments, and because I firmly believe that breakups, as painful as they are, can gift us with some of the biggest transformations in life.


Ready to heal?

Join The Breakup Recovery Kit!



  • Who is Bastian Gugger again?
    Bastian Gugger is a Breakup Recovery & Relationship Specialist based in Barcelona. Serving the English speaking market world-wide, he’s made a name for himself by bringing a unique male perspective into the industry, specifically helping women who have been deeply affected by breakups and failed relationships. Drawing from his personal journey of heartbreak and professional expertise, Bastian is known for his distinctive approach, merging deep empathy with practical strategies and real-life use. He is closing the gap in male-female relationship dynamics by empowering women to reclaim their confidence, self-love, and self-worth, ultimately fostering fulfilling relationships; Starting with the most important one. The one with themselves. Bastian has made healing hearts his mission with a firm belief that breakups, as painful as they are, can be one of the biggest catalyst for transformation in life, If we allow for it.
  • How do I know the Breakup Emergency Kit is for me?
    The course was specifically designed for people going through a recent breakup and struggling with the overwhelming emotions that come with it. However the course can help anyone wanting to become better at regulating their emotions and life. The skills taught in the course apply to all areas of life. If you are having a hard time moving on and navigating your daily life after a breakup, then this course is for you.
  • How long does it take to see results?
    If you follow all the instructions in the course, you can start feeling better and more in control of your emotions within a few days.
  • Will this course help if I have been struggling for a long time?
    Yes, the Emotional Freedom Formula addresses deep-rooted pain and provides tools that can help you start healing, regardless of how long you've been struggling.
  • I’m busy and worried I won’t have time. Should I still join?
    YES! Here is why… Using the tools and exercises taught inside the Breakup Emergency Kit you can start feeling better in as little as a few hours. The course is broken down into bite sized videos that are easy to consume. Most of them are in the range of 3-4 minutes.
  • Why are the prices in CHF instead of USD?
    Because the company is based in Switzerland. You do not need CHF in your bank account! Your credit card company or PayPal convert your currency with the latest rates usually without fees to CHF. Check the currency exchange for more information: USD: EUR: AUD: GBP: CAD: NZD:
  • What is the refund policy?
    There are 2 things you need to know when it comes to our refund policy. A) If, within 7 business days of your purchase , you decide this isn’t the program for you, send a written request for a refund to No questions asked we’ll give you your money back. B) Now, that does not mean you shouldn’t do your due diligence and make sure The Breakup Emergency Kit is a good fit for you. We’re all about self-responsibility over here, so make sure you read the sales page, ask the questions you’ve got, check our our, and sit with this decision BEFORE your purchase and access the program.
  • I think this is perfect for me, but I’d like to be sure. Can I talk to someone?
    Of course! Please send an email to
  • Are there any payment plans available?
    NO. We believe that the current pricing is an incredible price for the value inside and therefore accessible to anyone. That being said, you can always send us an email at and plead your case. We do our best to heal as many hearts as we can.
  • How do I join?
    To join The Breakup Emergency Kit select the payment option of either only the course or with additional support and follow the Instructions. In order to get access to the course you’ll be asked to create an account with us.
  • So, I’m signing up…What happens next?
    After you sign up you’ll get instant access to the course and all the lessons. If you booked additional support you will get a separate email with instructions for you to follow. In case of questions you can always reach out to .
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We’ll see if The Breakup Emergency Kit is the right fit for you.


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